
Patrícia Glázer

manual therapist

Welcome, hello! My name is Patrícia. This is my seventh year in healthcare as a physiotherapist. How did this become my vocation?

Human biology and foreign languages were always what interested me most. I also knew that I wanted to choose a supporting kind of job, for example I was even considering becoming a teacher. Finally, as an ever-moving person I decided that it would be best if I found a path where movement plays a key role. With a bit of chance, some invisible providence and consciousness on my side, I have stepped on this road. I am proud of my job and consider myself very lucky that I can be part of this continuously evolving area, full of challenges.

So far I spent my years in physiotherapy with the rehabilitation of junior athletes, however, I also had the opportunity to help ordinary people with their complaints in private care. In addition, I supported the performance of adult first-league professional athletes until recently.

I believe in the healing effects of human touch, so I like using manual techniques during my treatment sessions. In our profession, however, we should not disregard the basic principles of biomechanics, thus I am absolutely committed to the approach that movement therapy is the best way to solve musculoskeletal problems.

Providing mental support for my patients is an integral part of my approach as a physiotherapist. In my opinion, psychology is the marginal field in healthcare where today’s modern medicine should make improvements in order to become able to treat the problems of people through a highly complex and comprehensive approach. I strive to improve myself in the area of psychology as well. Currently I am trying to implement my experiences gained in a psychodrama group in all areas of my life, so that I can become a better person and specialist.

Apart from my work, I love spending as much time being active outdoors as I can. Snowboarding, riding my bike, hiking and volleyball are essential parts of my life.

As a therapist, my main goal is to help my patients experience the joy of pain-free movement, as I believe that everyone deserves a healthy everyday life free of complaints, regardless of their age or job.

Location of treatment:

  • 1113 Budapest, Bocskai út 31.


  • 2013-2017: BSc in Physiotherapy, Semmelweis University
  • 2019-2020: Personal Trainer Certification, IWI International Fitness School
  • 2020-2022: MSc in Human Kinesiology, University of Physical Education


  • 2017-2019: National Handball Academy
  • 2019-2020: DAVID Spine Clinic
  • 2020-2023: Ferencváros Handball Academy
  • 2023-2024: FTC Rail-Cargo Hungaria Women's First Division

Training courses:


  • Sports Rehabilitation, from Surgery to Full Recovery
  • Treatment of Shoulder Complaints
  • Restoration of Lower Limb Issues
  • Treatment of Spinal Disorders

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Erzsébet Meszéna

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Patrícia Glázer

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Have a question?

+36 70 701 5643
Telephone contact On weekdays: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Address Budapest, District 11,
Bocskai way 31.
2. floor 2. door
Doorbell: 8
Elevator: yes
Parking You can easily park behind the building, on Edömér Street.
Opening hours
Monday - Friday7:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Route planning

Have a question?

+36 70 701 5643
Telephone contact On weekdays: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Address Budapest, District 14,
Stefánia way 9.
1. floor 3. door
Doorbell: 14
Elevator: yes
Entrance From Besnyői street.
Opening hours
Monday - Friday7:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Route planning