
Márton Moldoványi


Hamarabb tanultam meg biciklizni, mint beszélni. Eddigi életemet, mélyen meghatározta a sport, a mozgás, és az új dolgok felfedezése. Gimnazistaként leginkább a biológia, a pszichológia és a sporttudomány érdekelt, és ezek kombinációjaként választottam a gyógytornát, mint hivatást.

2020-ban végeztem a Pécsi Tudományegyetem Egészségtudományi Karán. Majd két évvel később ugyanitt szereztem meg Fizioterápiás MSc diplomámat. Már egyetemi éveim alatt, a szabadidőmben szívesen jártam be gyógytornász magánrendelőkbe, hogy minél több tudást és tapasztalatot szerezzek. Ezt követően egy évig dolgoztam Szigetváron mozgásszervi betegekkel.

Célom jobbá tenni mások életét azáltal, hogy segítek panaszaik megszüntetésében, és így visszaadhatom nekik a mozgás örömét.

Location of treatment:

  • 1113 Budapest, Bocskai út 31.


  • 2016-2020: PTE-ETK Gyógytornász szakirány
  • 2020-2022: PTE-ETK Fizioterápia Msc

Tanulmányi sikerek:

  • 2019: PTE-ETK Demonstrátori ösztöndíj
  • 2020: 26. Kari Tudományos Diákköri Konferencia - I. helyezés
  • 2020: Kitűnő BSc diploma
  • 2022: Kitűnő MSc diploma


  • 2019-2020: NB1-es, és utánpótlás válogatott asztaliteniszezők mozgásprogramjának elkészítése és betanítása
  • 2019-2021: Diana SE gyógytornásza (baranya megye II-es focicsapat)
  • 2020-2021: Szigetvári gyógyfürdő, gyógytornász



  • 2017: A gravitáció és a mozgásirányítás agyi szabályozásának kapcsolatáról és a mozgásfejlődésről (Prof. Dr. Katona Ferenc)
  • 2018: Fizioterápia az otthoni szakápolásban (Dr. Molics Bálint)
  • 2021: A gyógytornász szerepe az élsportban (Magyar edzők társasága)

Kedvenc szakterületek:

  • Gerincet érintő degeneratív és gyulladásos kórképek ellátása
  • Csípő körüli fájdalmak kezelése
  • Váll-lapockát érintő fájdalmak kezelése
  • Sportsérülések utáni rehabilitáció
  • Migrének, fejfájás kezelése
  • Krónikus fájdalmak kezelése


Recent reviews of Márton

Czupi Róbert

Czupi Róbert

April 8, 2024.
I have been struggling with lower back pain after waking up for more than 2 years. I have already undergone many traditional tests and medical treatments. I told myself it wouldn't get any better. Then one of my colleagues said that his knee became pain-free after the Sherlock Rehab treatment. A marathon was just run in Rome. I also signed up for Rehab. Márton Moldoványi therapist treats. I have completed two fascia massages or I also do my evening "homework" diligently. The result so far: I feel significantly better. Thank you very much for your help Márton! I can only recommend it to everyone.
Karáth Anna

Karáth Anna

January 30, 2024.
My back hurt more than 2 years ago as a result of a skateboarding accident and after the 1st session I experienced a noticeable difference in my back pain. I was lucky to have a kind, attentive and professionally prepared physiotherapist in the person of Márton Moldoványi. The therapy was preceded by a detailed discussion, which helped us to start the most effective therapy for me. All this in a modern and friendly environment, with a fast and flexible online booking system and a helpful team. I would also trust them in the future to map out my problems and alleviate and eliminate my pain.
Herczeg Éva

Herczeg Éva

January 2, 2024.
My stomach hurt for more than 1.5 months, I couldn't go to work, I couldn't even leave the apartment, I was in such pain. I went from doctor to doctor, but nowhere could they help me. Desperate, I started searching the internet and that's when I found SHERLOCK REHAB. Their website was very nice, after reading a lot of useful information, I logged in right away. I got an appointment quickly, and I was referred to Marci Moldoványi. After the first time, I felt that I was in the right place, and I had a lot of confidence in him being able to help me. My abdominal pain was caused by adhesions after the surgeries. Marci explained thoroughly what the treatment would consist of. He has great expertise, is kind and thorough, I can only recommend him to everyone. After four treatments, my symptoms are completely gone and I am well again. I was at the surgery in Buda, it is easily accessible and you can always park. A demanding, clean office, and the treatment always started on time. Thank you Marci for your help!
Makkai Éva

Makkai Éva

October 30, 2023.
After more than two years of terrible suffering (coccyx / rectal inflammation), your therapist Márton Moldoványi has already shown the light at the end of the tunnel! I have never experienced such attention, such knowledge and perseverance in order to find the cause of my unbearable pain. I recommend it to everyone, the location in Buda is super clean.
Boros Norbert

Boros Norbert

October 5, 2023.
I do sports competitively, unfortunately I feel more and more that it has started to hurt here and there, especially around my neck. The health assessment was very good, I regularly do the exercises that were shown and I feel much better. Many thanks to Márton Moldoványi.
Nagy Hugó

Nagy Hugó

September 29, 2023.
Since I was a child, I regularly exercise at least 4-5 times a week. Usually, if I have some kind of physical complaint, it's back, shoulder, or waist pain. Or even if it's about recreation after an achilles tear, then I visited Sherlock Rehab. I also worked with József Olosz and Márton Moldoványi. I am very satisfied! After the presented complaints, they are examined and treated based on the established and hypothesis. As a rule, I also get "homework" in the form of exercises that promote healing. My condition has always improved quickly, which is why I can only recommend them!
Bató Johanna

Bató Johanna

August 23, 2023.
I got a solution for IBS problems here. They examine the entire body and its overall condition, which is a special plus point for me. I am very grateful for the care and attention I received here, for the knowledge I was able to acquire here, and of course for the healing as well.
Riba Adrienn

Riba Adrienn

June 1, 2023.
I go to Márton Moldoványi, today was the 2nd time and I left him very happy, we achieved a huge change in 2 treatments regarding my lower back pain. I really like that he doesn't just look like a piece of meat, you can have a good conversation with him, despite his young age he is very professional. It is good to find a professional who actually knows and wants to help others with their problems and shows that he loves his work and people.

Book an appointment X

You can choose from the following options:

Online booking Requesting a callback

Based on your complaints, we will select the most appropriate, english speaker therapist and we will call you back.

Phone: +36 70 701 5643

Our dispatcher is waiting for your call on weekdays between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm.

X Cancel appointment
Name: *
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Thank you for your trust!
We will contact you soon!

Successful booking!

We have sent a confirmation email with further important
information about the treatment.
Please read it carefully!


Patrícia Glázer

physiotherapist, manual therapist

BUDA XI. introduction

Zsuzsanna Jákob

physiotherapist, manual therapist

BUDA XI. introduction

Fanni Tiba

physiotherapist, manual therapist

PEST XIV. introduction

Erzsébet Meszéna

physiotherapist, manual therapist

PEST XIV. introduction

Réka Szabó

physiotherapist, manual therapist

PEST XIV. introduction

Botond Kemény

physiotherapist, manual therapist

BUDA XI. introduction

Klára Szabó

senior physiotherapist, manual therapist

PEST XIV. introduction

Sára Vaski

physiotherapist, manual therapist

BUDA XI. introduction

Tibor Zsemler

massage therapist

PEST XIV. introduction

József Olosz

senior physiotherapist, manual therapist

BUDA XI. introduction
Currently unable to admit a new patient.
Only registered patients can book a treatment appointment.

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Take the first step
towards health!

Steps of the assessment

Have a question?

+36 70 701 5643
Telephone contact On weekdays: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Address Budapest, District 11,
Bocskai way 31.
2. floor 2. door
Doorbell: 8
Elevator: yes
Parking You can easily park behind the building, on Edömér Street.
Opening hours
Monday - Friday7:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Route planning

Have a question?

+36 70 701 5643
Telephone contact On weekdays: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Address Budapest, District 14,
Stefánia way 9.
1. floor 3. door
Doorbell: 14
Elevator: yes
Entrance From Besnyői street.
Opening hours
Monday - Friday7:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Route planning