
Réka Szabó

manual therapist

My curiosity about the profession of physiotherapist developed during my high school years and my passion for the profession has been growing ever since. After graduating as a physiotherapist at Semmelweis University, I continued my master's degree in human kinesiology at the Hungarian University of Sports Science where I was involved in the rehabilitation and diagnostics of athletes. As a high school student swimming was my favorite excercise, and as a university student I really liked group fitness classes so – besides becoming a physiotherapist – I also became an instructor for aerobics as well as spine gymnastics classes.

Physiotherapy and manual therapy requires extraordinary creativity and complex vision that encourages continuous learning and development. One of the sweetest parts of my job for me is communicating with patients, learning about the background of the problem and introducing the therapeutic methods. I consider it important that the treatment should take place in a good mood in cooperation with the patient.

I started my career with the rehabilitation of patients with chronic spinal problems and knee and shoulder complaints, and since then I have been trying to increase my knowledge and expand my toolkit to help as many people as I can to the best of my knowledge.

Location of treatment:

  • 1143 Budapest, Stefánia út 9.


  • 2015-2019: Semmelweis University - Physiotherapist Bsc
  • 2018-2019: International Wellness Institute - Group fitness instructor
  • 2019-2021: Testnevelési Egyetem - Human kinesiology MSc


  • 2019-2022: Hegyvidéki Szabadidősport Nonprofit Kft. - Group instructor
  • 2020-2021: Life1 Fitness - Group instructor
  • 2021-2022: DAVID Gerincklinika - Physiotherapist

Training courses:


  • Sports injuries
  • Lower limb injuries
  • Waist complaints

Recent reviews of Réka

Bognár Gabriella

Bognár Gabriella

November 5, 2023.
I got to know Réka Szabó as an extremely thorough and patient professional. Already after the 1st treatment, the pains that had been occurring regularly for years disappeared. The treatments always take place in a pleasant atmosphere and are very effective. I wholeheartedly recommend it.
Erdős Júlia

Erdős Júlia

August 17, 2023.
I received quick and professional help from Réka, to whom I would like to thank for her conscientiousness and expertise. 😊 Everyone is definitely in good hands here!
Mezei Mária

Mezei Mária

July 15, 2023.
It's almost unbelievable that dear Réka Szabó presses here and there (well, the situation is tougher than that :), Réka knows exactly why she's doing it, and I tolerate the pain), I did my homework diligently, and lo and behold: the sciatic nerve my back pain disappeared in no time, and after a few weeks I realized that almost miraculously my decades-long pain had disappeared: my neck, back, and waist were fine! I'm glad I came here! I will recommend Sherlock Rehab to anyone suffering from rheumatic problems! With thanks: Mária Mezei
Nemes-Nagy Anna

Nemes-Nagy Anna

June 21, 2023.
I visited the clinic with hip and knee problems. The treatments used here have proven to be amazingly effective. Tissue adhesions caused by 2 cesarean sections were resolved in such a way that my movements became completely 'oiled' and the pain stopped. Réka is extremely patient and kind, thanks to the effective treatments, unfortunately we rarely meet :-) The high-quality and friendly appearance of the office is a huge plus. I can only recommend them to everyone!


March 9, 2023.
Well, I found Sherlock Rehab's outstanding team completely blindly (Internet search), including Réka Szabó (physical therapist, manual therapist) and Tibor Zsemler (medical masseur). I can only recommend sherlock rehab to anyone who is struggling with some kind of pain, you will meet an extremely fair and prepared team 🙂
Szaskova Gabriella

Szaskova Gabriella

March 8, 2023.
I wholeheartedly recommend Réka Szabó, very professional!
Szabó Emese

Szabó Emese

February 7, 2023.
In 2 sessions I recovered from a 1 year old shoulder injury😊 I can only recommend Réka Szabó to everyone, she helped me a lot.
Andrea Elena Figueroa

Andrea Elena Figueroa

January 23, 2023.
The quality of the service was amazing. After months of attending to my appointments and following the physical routine I was able to recover from my injury. Thank you so much for all your support and guidance.

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Online booking Requesting a callback

Based on your complaints, we will select the most appropriate, english speaker therapist and we will call you back.

Phone: +36 70 701 5643

Our dispatcher is waiting for your call on weekdays between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm.

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Please read it carefully!


Patrícia Glázer

physiotherapist, manual therapist

BUDA XI. introduction

Zsuzsanna Jákob

physiotherapist, manual therapist

BUDA XI. introduction

Erzsébet Meszéna

physiotherapist, manual therapist

PEST XIV. introduction

Fanni Tiba

physiotherapist, manual therapist

PEST XIV. introduction

Réka Szabó

physiotherapist, manual therapist

PEST XIV. introduction

Botond Kemény

physiotherapist, manual therapist

BUDA XI. introduction

Klára Szabó

senior physiotherapist, manual therapist

PEST XIV. introduction

Sára Vaski

physiotherapist, manual therapist

BUDA XI. introduction

Tibor Zsemler

massage therapist

PEST XIV. introduction

József Olosz

senior physiotherapist, manual therapist

BUDA XI. introduction
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Only registered patients can book a treatment appointment.

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Steps of the assessment

Have a question?

+36 70 701 5643
Telephone contact On weekdays: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Address Budapest, District 11,
Bocskai way 31.
2. floor 2. door
Doorbell: 8
Elevator: yes
Parking You can easily park behind the building, on Edömér Street.
Opening hours
Monday - Friday7:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Route planning

Have a question?

+36 70 701 5643
Telephone contact On weekdays: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Address Budapest, District 14,
Stefánia way 9.
1. floor 3. door
Doorbell: 14
Elevator: yes
Entrance From Besnyői street.
Opening hours
Monday - Friday7:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Route planning