VCT - New manual therapy method for treating internal organ problems

1. Review of the VCT method

Visceral Convergence Therapy (VCT) is an integrated visceral therapy method. Its name is derived from the term “viscera” in Latin, meaning the internal organs of the body. This method uses conventional visceral therapy techniques and modern scientific knowledge among others. Hereafter you can read the article by József Olosz leading physiotherapist.

During the development and further advancement of this method, I followed closely the recent scientific research so that the therapy would the as efficient and safe as possible. This method considers the importance of not only the movement that takes place between our organs and the adhesions, but the mechanisms of the brain, thus revealing a path towards a holistic approach that studies the relationships between internal organs, the musculoskeletal system and the central nervous system at the same time.

VCT is not a universal solution for all internal organic problems, but in certain cases, for example in digestive, urological or gynecological problems it can provide a rapid and effective solution. During the treatment, it can be seen in a short time how effective the therapy if for a given person, and if necessary, the treatment can be complemented with additional therapeutic methods - such as Stecco fascia manipulation, Maitland manual therapy or physical therapy, or a physician can be included in the process to help, if needed.

 Viszcerális kezelés VCT-vel
Visceral therapy using VCT.

2. Why is VCT needed?

The human body is a marvelously complex system in which every part is connected to the others. Imagine that your internal organs and the musculoskeletal system (muscles, fascia, joints and bones) are all part of an orchestra in complete harmony, where the nervous system is the conductor, and all instruments play a key role in the complete symphony. But what happens when an instrument is broken, or it sounds false, or the conductor makes a mistake? The harmony of the whole orchestra is disturbed.

I see it as both the strength and weakness of conventional medicine that is places an intense focus on the detailed studying and treatment of specific organs. In this approach, gynecologists treat gynecological problems, gastroenterologists treat digestive problems, neurologists treat neural dysfunctions, while rheumatologists treat lower back pain. However, this highly specialized approach often neglects that the body functions in a holistic way: that it is not enough if the individual “musical instruments” sound well in themselves, you can only make a really astounding symphony if all contributing parties pay attention to each other and play in perfect harmony.


The question may arise: how is it possible that with some massage-like pressing motions we can influence the function of our internal organs? How can be affect menstruation, digestion or even a migraine with an “abdominal massage”? Soon I will answer these questions as well, but let’s start with the basics.

3. Theoretical background of the function of visceral organs

3.1. Internal organs like to move

It is generally known that our muscles and joints move, and how it is important, because it is very visible. But have you ever thought that under the skin, our internal organs move just the same, and this is required for their normal function?

Let’s see breathing, for example. You can see as the chest rises and expands and the shoulders move. However, what you do not see is that meanwhile, internal organs also move back and forth. During inhalation, the liver can move downwards even by 3 to 5 centimeters, the spleen and kidneys also move about 1.5 cm [1].

We can see the same with the uterus during menstruation: it drops 3 cm so the endometrium can be removed [2].

The movement of internal organs on an MRI scan.

3.2. How are our internal organs fixed in their position?

If our organs would not be fixed in their place some way or other, they would all be located on the pelvic floor, unbothered by us breathing or walking.Internal organs are interconnected with a special connective tissue system - the fascia - and with ligaments. The are also connected to the chest, ribs, muscles and pelvis. This system does not only provide stability of the organs, but at the same time ensures their necessary movement.

Let’s have a look at how the uterus is secured in place. On the front, it is connected to the bladder and the pubic bone with a ligament, while on the back, to the rectum and the sacrum. On the sides, ligaments between the pelvic bone wings and the lateral abdominal muscles provide its stability and mobility.

Healthy connective tissue on the uterus. Limited mobility on the uterus
Demonstration of healthy connective tissue and limited mobility on the uterus.

3.3. What happens when they are unable to move?

This can happen for example when due to the excessive tension of the ligaments and the fascia, they are not able to support the motion of the internal organs.

Adhesions are perfect examples how traumas can have an impact on the function of internal organs. A surgery (Caesarean section, appendix removal, abdominal laparoscopic surgery), pelvic fracture or chronic inflammation (endometriosis, IBS, Chron’s disease) can result in scarring that limits the movement of our organs, thus reducing their natural mobility [3].

Adhesions in the uterus
Adhesions in the uterus. For less sensitive readers: a video on surgical removal of adhesions.

If you overexert your calf during running and it becomes stiff, it becomes visibly and noticeably tense and painful. Meanwhile, you cannot feel your internal organs moving, and you also cannot see it directly.


And indeed, our organs function automatically, in an unconscious manner. On one hand, this is a plus, because if we would feel and consciously be aware of every internal movement and process, our attention would be completely consumed by how our morning sandwich moves through our digestive system or when the bladder is getting full. At the same time, this “invisibility” also means that our organs can work dysfunctionally for a long time without us noticing it.

3.4. They tell us when there is a problem

Revisiting our orchestra analogy mentioned before, where each instrument symbolizes an internal organ: if it sounds false, it will affect the harmony of the whole orchestra. Similarly, our visceral organs have a highly complex neural system. In this way, they are not only connected to the brain but also to each otherand to muscles, joints, and even the skin.

According to the most recent research, problems related to internal organs can radiate to other areas as well due to neural convergence, that is, the connections between nerves.

In an interesting animal study performed on mice, when inflammation was induced in the intestines of the animals, the calf muscles became oversensitive. However, when the researchers reversed the study setting and started to stimulate the feet of mice with cold or electronical impulses, sensitivity occurred at the region of the colon [4].

Bowel inflammation often causes pain in the calf or the heel due to neural convergence.
Bowel inflammation often causes pain in the calf or the heel due to neural convergence.

Further studies have demonstrated that women who had C-section often suffer from lower back pain as well as neck pain or headache in the years following the surgery due to the adhesions. Meanwhile the sites of the trauma and the scars are often not sensitive.


4. How does VCT work?

We are able to affect the function of our visceral organs manually in two ways:

  1. 1. First, directly, when we work directly in the abdominal cavity, right next to the organs. During this, we use sensitive and soft motions to influence the internal organs and their suspension, helping their movement.
    If you think about a stomachache, when you instinctively press on your belly - by this, you are trying to reduce the pain my moving your organs. In a therapeutic setup, we use special techniques to achieve this.
    Direct treatment of internal organs with VCT.
  2. 2. We can also have an impact on internal organs indirectly. As the internal organs are connected to the pelvis, the ribs and different muscles with ligaments and the fascia, we can influence their function by treating the surrounding areas. For example, in a study performed on women suffering from painful menstruation (dysmenorrhea), trigger point therapy of the muscles around the pelvis in itself reduced cramps [5].
    Those who often experience headache may notice that they instinctively massage or press on their neck in order to reduce pain. This indirect self-help “treatment” demonstrates best the indirect techniques of VCT.
    Indirect treatment of internal organs.

A módszer egy multidiszciplináris, integrált megközelítést alkalmaz. Direkt terápiás módszerek, mint a Barral módszere és a CPT (Clear Passage Therapy), valamint indirekt eljárások, úgymint a Stecco fascia kezelés, a Trigger Point Therapy (TrP), és a Maitland manuálterápia ötvözésével jött létre. Az elméleti alapokat az idegi konvergencia elmélete és az agy fájdalommegküzdési mechanizmusai adják. Ezen alapelvek fényében a módszer kifejezetten a belső szervek, a mozgásszervrendszer és a központi idegrendszer közötti összetett interakciókra és hatásmechanizmusokra fókuszál. [6]

This method uses a multidisciplinary, integrated approach. It is the results of combining direct therapeutic methods such as the Barral method and CPT (Clear Passage Therapy) and indirect methods such as the Stecco fascial treatment, Trigger Point Therapy (TrP) and Maitland manual therapy. The theoretical basis rests on the theory of neural convergence and the brain’s mechanisms for coping with pain. In light of these principles, the method focuses particularly on the complex interactions and mechanisms between the internal organs, the musculoskeletal organs and the central nervous system [6].

The goal of the assessment protocol is not to diagnose, meaning that it does not focus on determining specifically which internal organ is dysfunctional, but to understand how a dysfunctional organ affects our musculoskeletal system.

Although the VCT method cannot be considered a universal solution for all internal organic problems, in the cases where it is relevant – such as digestive problems like bloating or constipation, urological problems as recurring UTIs, frequent urination or urine retention and gynecological symptoms like painful or irregular menstruation and premenstrual syndrome (PMS) –, it provides an quick and effective therapeutic approach. During the treatment process, it soon becomes evident how effective the therapy can be for a given individual. If VCT does not provide a solution, this also becomes clear fairly soon, as functional problems that are treatable with the method respond already after one to three treatments, allowing us to look for other therapeutic approaches.

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Steps of the assessment

5. What makes VCT unique?

Visceral convergence therapy is unique from several aspects. This method does not treat or diagnose internal organs directly but primarily aims to restore the “milieu” around the organs. So it does not directly treat irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or endometriosis but the specific symptoms, such as diarrhea, bloating or painful menstruation.

Secondly, VCT does not only focus on the biomechanical aspects and does not state that physical tension is the only cause of the problem. Instead of focusing simply on tensions, VCT applies a more complex approach. It takes into consideration the complex communication between the brain and the organs. The organs send “incoming signals” (afferent signals) to the brain, which generated “outgoing signals” (efferent signals) based on these, controlling the function of organs. If our organs do not function properly, the brain gets wrong incoming signals, and generates dysfunctional outward responses [7][8].


In summary, VCT does not only focus on physical status but also aims to improve the communication between the brain and the organs. By manipulating the response mechanisms generated by the brain, the method provides a comprehensive, complex therapeutic effect.

6. What does the treatment consist of?

At the first consultation, we perform a comprehensive assessment of status and medical history in order to find the connections between the internal organic and musculoskeletal symptoms. In this process, we place particular attention on the type of symptoms, the chronological order or their appearance and the results of previously performed medical examinations. After obtaining the medical history, we perform a physical examination.

We are not able to directly evaluate the status and movement of internal organs in our office, although their functioning has a significant effect on the muscles and joints, so we examine these systems to be able to draw conclusions regarding the condition of the internal organs.

For example, if we suspect a gynecological problem in case of lower back pain, it is not possible to directly examine the uterus or to immediately assess the effectiveness of therapy, as no patient is able to simply say: “my uterus moves so much better now, and it is able to drop 1 cm”. In this case, we evaluate the status of the uterus and the success of the treatment by evaluating the lower back pain.

VCT consultation
We think it is important to explain to the patient exactly what we do during the treatment and why.

After we successfully establish a hypothesis and determine painful movements with testing, we start treatment. If our goal is to move the internal organs directly, we lay the patient on their back and use various direct techniques to mobilize and stretch internal organs through their abdomen. During this, the patient might feel mild tension or a tearing sensation, and the therapist can use the resistance felt through their hands as a diagnostic signal. During the treatment – while monitoring the reaction of the patient closely – we try to reduce these tensions. We can improve the effectiveness of therapy if we treat not only the internal organs but their fixing points with direct techniques, for example at the ribs, the pelvis, the lower back, the chest or the abdominal muscles.

After we finished, we can test again for the painful movements. This way we can see objectively how the organs respond to treatment.

Re-testing the musculoskeletal symptoms after the treatment.
Re-testing the musculoskeletal symptoms after the treatment.

In the weeks following the therapy, the patient may not only observe the musculoskeletal symptoms but the status of the internal organs, including digestion, menstruation or frequent urination during the night. If during the next consultation we see that the treatment was effective, we continue with the previously set direction of therapy, and we apply a more comprehensive therapy in order to increase the effect.


We recommend performing further diagnostic tests and/or consulting with a physician after approximately three unsuccessful therapy sessions.

7. Case studies

7.1. The relationship between gall bladder surgery and visceral therapy

Péter came to us with a mysterious hip pain, which made him unable to walk or sit, and he could only lay with knees bent up. He did not have a hip injury before. Recently he underwent a gall bladder surgery, which peaked my interest as based on the VCT approach, the communication between the brain and the internal organs may change after such a surgery. I presumed that the tissue changes that took place during or after the surgery may send wrong inbound signals into the brain.

As a test, I created a tissue change near the liver using the VCT methodology, which resulted in the instant relieve of Péter’s pain. As soon as I let go of the tissues surrounding the liver, the pain immediately returned. So I used specific visceral therapy techniques around the liver in order to generate optimal incoming signals for the brain.

Hip pain caused by gall bladder surgery before and after visceral therapy.

I treated him for three more sessions, using various direct and indirect techniques and as a result, his hip pain was completely gone.

7.2. Gynecological issues and knee pain

Laura saw me due to severe knee pain which became really intense when running. The pain was so bad that it was difficult to walk even two days after the exertion. In addition, she had shoulder blade and lower back pain. The examination revealed that she had hormonal problems before, including signs indicating polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and endometriosis among others.

We presumed that Laura’s complaints were connected to these hormonal issues. Afterwards, we treated the abdominal tissues with visceral therapy techniques, which has an immediate effect on her shoulder blade: she was able to move it without pain right after the treatment.

There is a connection between the knee pain and the gynecological complaints.
There is a connection between the knee pain and the gynecological complaints.

To test the success of the therapy, Laura participated in an extreme physical challenge: a 30-km cross-country run in the Börzsöny hills, under the winter weather conditions. In the past, she had to stop running after only 7 or 8 kilometers because of the pain. However, now only a pain occurred during the last 3 km, which could be considered a significant improvement.

I tried using the methodology of visceral convergence therapy (VCT) in this case as well to diagnose and treat the complaints. I targeted the communication between the organs and the brain in Laura’s case as well, and the results confirmed that...


8. In which cases can VCT be effective?

This method does not aim to directly treat the diagnosed conditions but to ameliorate the symptoms caused by organic dysfunctions. So we focus on conditions below in which this method can be helpful:

  • Chronic abdominal pain
  • Digestive problems, such as constipation, bloating or diarrhea
  • Bladder problems (urinary tract infection, recurring urinary symptoms, prostate problems)
  • Chronic lower back pain (lower back pain ongoing for years, recurring and not responding to conventional treatments)
  • Chronic chest pain (shortness of breath of breathing difficulty)
  • Non-traumatic pain of the lower or upper limbs
  • Psychosomatic symptoms such as musculoskeletal complaints induced by stress or anxiety
  • Gynecological problems (painful or irregular menstruation, premenstrual pain, ovulation pain, uterine prolapse, incontinence)
  • Headache (primarily if related to digestive and/or gynecological problems, such as headache during menstruation)

9. How can I get access to VCT?

There is an increasing interest in VCT therapies in Hungary as well. There are multiple methods available that focus on improving the condition of internal organs, but VCT is only available at the clinics of Sherlock Rehab currently. We take pride in the fact that we do not only strive to prove the effectiveness of the method in practice but on scientific grounds as well: a clinical research is currently being conducted with the aim to collect further empirical evidence. We plan to demonstrate the methodology of the VCT method in academic settings as well, meaning that we will start training programs in the future to further promote this method.

VCT training
Teaching VCT at an internal professional training.

10. Summary

All organs in the human body are interconnected with each other, comprising a harmonious system, where the movement of visceral organs are essential for healthy function. Internal organs function best when they can move freely - aided by the fascia and tendons. However, scarring resulting from trauma, surgery or disease may hamper this movement.


Visceral Convergence Therapy (VCR) is a novel therapeutic approach that takes the complexity of the human body and the complex natura of internal organic problems into account at the same time.

VCT integrates the aspects of anatomical knowledge, neural mechanisms and biomechanics. It combines different therapeutic approaches such as Barral’s method, Clear Passage Therapy, Stecco fascial manipulation, Trigger Point Therapy and Maitland manual therapy.

This therapy utilizes a unique approach towards the relationship between our internal organs, musculoskeletal system and nervous system, thus providing a solution for comprehensive problems such as chronic pain, digestive issues or gynecological problems.


  1. Suramo, I., Päivänsalo, M., & Myllylä, V. (1984). Cranio-caudal movements of the liver, pancreas and kidneys in respiration. Acta Radiol Diagn (Stockh), 5(2), 129-131.
  2. Kunz, G., & Leyendecker, G. (2002). Uterine peristaltic activity during the menstrual cycle: Characterization, regulation, function and dysfunction. Review Reprod Biomed Online, 4(Suppl 3), 5-9.
  3. Maddern, J., Grundy, L., Castro, J., & Brierley, S. M. (2020). Pain in Endometriosis. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 14.
  4. Sengupta, J. N. (2009). Visceral Pain: The Neurophysiological Mechanism. Handb Exp Pharmacol, 194, 31–74.
  5. Costantini, R., Affaitati, G., Fiordaliso, M., & Giamberardino, M. A. (2020). Viscero-visceral hyperalgesia in dysmenorrhoea plus previous urinary calculosis: Role of myofascial trigger points and their injection treatment in the referred area. Eur J Pain, 24(5), 933-944.
  6. Man, K., Kaplan, J., Damasio, H., & Damasio, A. (2013). Neural convergence and divergence in the mammalian cerebral cortex: From experimental neuroanatomy to functional neuroimaging. J Comp Neurol, 521(18).
  7. Pedersen, K. V., Drewes, A. M., Frimodt-Møller, P. C., & Osther, P. J. S. (2010). Visceral pain originating from the upper urinary tract. Urolithiasis, 38(4), 345–355.
  8. Funahashi, Y., Takahashi, R., Mizoguchi, S., Suzuki, T., Takaoka, E., Ni, J., Wang, Z., DeFranco, D. B., de Groat, W. C., Tyagi, P., & Yoshimura, N. (2019). Bladder overactivity and afferent hyperexcitability induced by prostate-to-bladder cross-sensitization in rats with prostatic inflammation. J Physiol, 597(7), 2063–2078.

11. VCT prices

Status assessment, is the first step to take in every case, which takes 60 minutes.
The status assessment session costs 17.000 HUF.
If a senior physical therapist performs it, it costs 22.000 HUF.
The status assessment includes consultation, testing and treatment.

The further treatment sessions are 50 minutes long and cost 17.000 HUF.
If a senior physical therapist performs them 20.000 HUF.

Balogh Zoltánné

Balogh Zoltánné

April 9, 2024.
Klára Szabó treated her with waist and ankle problems last year and again this year. He did everything during the manual therapy and provided me with advice, which I have been following ever since. My ankle problem went away after one treatment, since then I ran a half-marathon and the pain hasn't returned. The lower back pain, which is like lumbago, was more serious, it took 5 sessions, but it also pointed out possible internal problems... and it helped! In addition to the treatments, I think Klára's professional knowledge and honesty meant more to me, and I can say it now, in the long run! Thank you again 😊
Dreilinger Tímea

Dreilinger Tímea

April 1, 2024.
I strongly recommend it to everyone! A serious team of experts works here, they have already found solutions to several of my complaints. Booking an appointment is easy, there is always feedback on any interaction. The condition assessment is very thorough, covering every little detail. The treatment takes place in a friendly atmosphere and is very careful. I go to them with pleasure, I have any problem and I wholeheartedly recommend them to everyone.
Modla Anna

Modla Anna

February 20, 2024.
For a very long time, I have been suffering from various joint and other pains, which neither rheumatology, nor physical therapy, nor even injections could solve. I heard about this strange and interesting method, which is how I came under the guidance of Noémi Horváth. Amazingly, after a few treatments, my pain was greatly reduced!! An extremely thorough, all-encompassing attention, exploring connections, patient and kind therapist! I will continue the treatments!!
Bauer Józsefné

Bauer Józsefné

February 2, 2024.
I have been struggling with knee joint problems for years. Drug treatments helped for a while, but the pain always returned. At the beginning of November 2023, I had very strong knee pain, and it was difficult to walk. I visited Sherlock Rehab on the recommendation of a friend. I quickly got an appointment with Meszéna Erzsébeth. I received very kind and careful care. After 4 suitable treatments, the pain disappeared, and since then I can go to zumba gold again. I can only recommend it to anyone who has a similar problem. Mrs József Bauer
Hajdu Anna

Hajdu Anna

January 29, 2024.
I'm so glad I found Sherlock Rehab. I got to know connections about the functioning of the human body that were unknown to me until now. This holistic approach was very interesting, but the most important thing is that the pain that I had had for months disappeared as a result of the manual therapy treatments. Already after the second treatment I felt a significant improvement. I greatly appreciate Noémi Horváth's kindness, expertise and the maximum attention she showed to me. Big thanks to Him!
Héjja Luca

Héjja Luca

January 25, 2024.
Kind and helpful employees. Flexible appointment scheduling and an easy-to-use appointment exchange system. The therapy exceeded all expectations. It was very effective. The therapy was preceded by a detailed discussion and I received answers to all my questions. They paid enough attention to explanations and gave time to understand things. The surgery is a very pleasant place and convenient in every way.
Herczeg Éva

Herczeg Éva

January 2, 2024.
My stomach hurt for more than 1.5 months, I couldn't go to work, I couldn't even leave the apartment, I was in such pain. I went from doctor to doctor, but nowhere could they help me. Desperate, I started searching the internet and that's when I found SHERLOCK REHAB. Their website was very nice, after reading a lot of useful information, I logged in right away. I got an appointment quickly, and I was referred to Marci Moldoványi. After the first time, I felt that I was in the right place, and I had a lot of confidence in him being able to help me. My abdominal pain was caused by adhesions after the surgeries. Marci explained thoroughly what the treatment would consist of. He has great expertise, is kind and thorough, I can only recommend him to everyone. After four treatments, my symptoms are completely gone and I am well again. I was at the surgery in Buda, it is easily accessible and you can always park. A demanding, clean office, and the treatment always started on time. Thank you Marci for your help!
Benke Árpád

Benke Árpád

December 12, 2023.
I received very kind and professional care, my test tube was fine.
Nagy-Bálint Judit

Nagy-Bálint Judit

November 22, 2023.
The location of the treatment is clean and elegantly furnished. The staff there have great expertise and are very kind. They always try to find the right solution for my problem. The beginning of the treatment is accurate. Flexible appointment booking option, which can be conveniently done online. I recommend the place to everyone! I have been going to Klári Szabó for years. He is thorough, precise, has a lot of knowledge and is very kind!
Dr. Medgyesi János

Dr. Medgyesi János

August 6, 2023.
As a general practitioner, it is a special pleasure to meet manual therapists who see the body as a whole: the internal organs, the muscles, the deep muscle wrap system. They not only focus on the painful area, but also look for the root cause! In my case, a previous thyroid gland or appendix surgery and a shoulder problem that appeared decades later and existed for 9 years finally got a new therapeutic approach, as a result of the first treatments, my shoulder no longer hurts when straining or stretching, the muscles of the shoulder girdle can be loaded, I can sleep! The leading physiotherapist József Olosz and masseuse Viktória Balázs (whom I met personally) are absolutely authentic and great professionals for me, I strongly recommend their 'hands' and knowledge!

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1English-speaking therapists

Patrícia Glázer

physiotherapist, manual therapist

BUDA XI. introduction

Zsuzsanna Jákob

physiotherapist, manual therapist

BUDA XI. introduction

Réka Szabó

physiotherapist, manual therapist

PEST XIV. introduction

Erzsébet Meszéna

physiotherapist, manual therapist

PEST XIV. introduction

Botond Kemény

physiotherapist, manual therapist

BUDA XI. introduction

Sára Vaski

physiotherapist, manual therapist

BUDA XI. introduction

Fanni Tiba

physiotherapist, manual therapist

PEST XIV. introduction

Klára Szabó

senior physiotherapist, manual therapist

PEST XIV. introduction

József Olosz

senior physiotherapist, manual therapist

BUDA XI. introduction
Currently unable to admit a new patient.
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Tibor Zsemler

massage therapist

PEST XIV. introduction
Patrícia Glázer - physiotherapist

Patrícia Glázer - physiotherapist

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