Mulligan Manual Therapy: Immediate pain reduction techniques

1. What makes this method special?

The Mulligan concept is a pain-free manual therapy mobilization technique combined with active movement, primarily used for the treatment of orthopedic or mechanical problems.

The method was developed by Brian Mulligan physiotherapist and manual therapist, and has been taught and used worldwide since the 1980’s. Its basic principle can be summarized with the acronym PILL: pain-free (technique), instant change and long-lasting results.

What does this mean? For all patients, the grip that brings immediate change in the affected, basically painful movement should be identified and applied. The achieved change should be significant, or the pain should cease completely right during the first repetition.


2. When do we use it and what is it used for?

  • Mostly to reduce pain and swelling after acute injuries;
  • it can be used to improve limited range of motion;
  • and it can also be effective for certain chronic complaints, such as tennis elbow, frozen shoulder, stiff neck from sleeping wrong, headache, lockjaw, lower back pain etc.
  • It can be integrated well into therapies for certain neurological problems, for example to correct the position of the shoulder during rehabilitation after stroke.
Treating shoulder pain with Mulligan manual therapy
Treating shoulder pain with Mulligan manual therapy

3. Two types of techniques

Two main techniques can be distinguished within the Mulligan manual therapy:

  1. mobilization with movement, performed on the limbs, and
  2. natural apophyseal glides performed on the vertebrae.

We combine active and passive techniques: the therapist glides and manipulates the joint into a neutral position in which the movement is free of complaints or can be achieves with significantly less pain. While this grip is being maintained, the patient performs active movements – exactly those that generated the pain originally.

It is important that this gliding does not equal any dislocation, the joint does not move out of its place, and the changes are not visible to the naked eye! Still, this manipulation is already enough for the body to change the incoming stimuli and stop the perception of pain.

Manual gliding of vertebrae with the Mulligan technique
Manual gliding of vertebrae with the Mulligan technique

The grip and manipulation are most often performed manually, but sometimes we use straps or tape to achieve the desired effect or to ensure access.


We always work in a range ending at the pain-free end position, which can be gradually extended by active movement or passive pushing as well. The loading and the exercise can be more and more complex and functional.

We prescribe exercises to be performed at home if we have confirmed that there actually is an effective technique and that the patient can perform it correctly on their own. At-home exercises consist of performing the problematic movement (e.g. raising the arm) with the learned modification and method, generally several times a day, performing 3×10 repetitions.

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Steps of the assessment

4. How the Mulligan manual therapy works

The primary aim of this method is to induce positive changes in the neural plasticity of the central nervous system. This means that it overwrites the incoming stimuli from the body to the brain and the responses to these stimuli: in the modified position, the brain receives a positive message instead of an alarm signal about the same movement (e.g. arm raising), and thus the central response will not be the pain, and the movement will stay free.


With the slight sliding and manipulation, we achieve some changes in the tension of muscles and tendons, thus recovering their length required for normal function and the appropriate position of the joint.

5. The benefits of Mulligan manual therapy

  • This is a practice-oriented, dynamic and progressive therapy, primarily aimed at the functional problem of the patient. This means that we do not look for the cause or what is problematic within (our outside) the joint. It works with complete segments, thus its effects do not target a specific structure. but all tissues at the same time.
  • It improves the position errors of joints.
  • It helps to overcome the fear of pain (and thus, movement).
  • It recovers your ability to move pain-free.
  • It includes the patient by prescribing exercises that can and should be performed at home, therefore the results rely on this partnership, and the patient is also accountable.

6. When it is not recommended?

When applying the Mulligan concept, the following contraindications should be considered:

  • local tumor,
  • sudden onset of pain,
  • mental, cognitive of perceptive problems,
  • taking certain medications (e.g. beta-blockers, antidepressants),
  • high-degree osteoporosis,
  • fracture in the joint,
  • no pain-free position exists,
  • tenderness to pressure.

The treatment may not work in acute inflammatory conditions, as there are certain underlying chemical processes involved in these. In such cases, it is worth to wait until the condition ceases.

Hip treatment with Mulligan manual therapy
Hip treatment with Mulligan manual therapy

7. Duration of the therapy and how can it be combined with other methods

The therapy usually consists of 6 to 12 sessions, but in case of neural involvement, it may be more. The improvement can be affected by the nature of the problem, the physical condition of the person and their compliance, whether they perform the prescribed exercises at home.

In addition to the specific exercises to be performed at home, we may give the patient strengthening, stretching and neural mobilization exercises.

Taping can be helpful in maintaining the position, therefore its application is also an option. However, in order to fully reveal and treat the cause of the problem may require other techniques such as the Stecco method, at the discretion of the therapist in all cases.

8. Mulligan manual therapy prices

Status assessment, is the first step to take in every case, which takes 60 minutes.
The status assessment session costs 17.000 HUF.
If a senior physical therapist performs it, it costs 22.000 HUF.
The status assessment includes consultation, testing and treatment.

The further treatment sessions are 50 minutes long and cost 17.000 HUF.
If a senior physical therapist performs them 20.000 HUF.

Shenouda Nóra

Shenouda Nóra

March 8, 2024.
They managed to get rid of my back pain that had been going on for years in 2 treatments, even though I have been to several places with it. To me, this is quite impressive. They understand it very well, they look at the human body systematically, they are thorough, they do not follow the usual schemes. If someone has a long-standing problem that they haven't been able to deal with anywhere, I highly recommend that you log in here immediately :)
Paulin Andrea

Paulin Andrea

February 23, 2024.
After hip replacement surgery, I consulted a leading physiotherapist at Sherlock Rehab as I was still in pain several months after the surgery. After 2-3 manual therapy sessions, I completely recovered and have been fine ever since. Although these treatments are not pleasant, I can only recommend them to everyone due to their effectiveness.
Sárdi László

Sárdi László

February 7, 2024.
Two years ago in the summer, severe pain appeared in my left heel-Achilles region during sports. After more than a year of trying and painful limping, I had heel and Achilles surgery last October. By then, my left leg was weak and my lower back was painfully tender. After that, I was "treated" at Sherlock Rehab, and thanks to competent therapy, I am now ready to go skiing, with no pain or problems. Thanks
Krikkay László

Krikkay László

November 21, 2023.
I go to Kemény Botond for posture problems and lower back pain. It helped a lot, I felt the change after about the 3rd time. The place itself is super well-equipped, clean and close to me (xi. District). Overall, I'm super satisfied with everything.
Győri Katalin

Győri Katalin

September 14, 2023.
I visited Sherlock Rehab after a bad ankle sprain, where I regenerated very quickly thanks to Kodak Adrienn. Since then, my long-standing shoulder and waist problems have improved significantly. I can only recommend it and have already done so several times in my circle of acquaintances. I would make it mandatory for everyone to attend one session per month for the purpose of prevention and regeneration, regardless of age and physical condition
Somogyvári Zsolt

Somogyvári Zsolt

August 30, 2023.
Very collected, targeted problem assessment, not afraid of the duration of chronic problems (years, decades). The effectiveness of the treatment can be felt even if the given problem could not (yet) be fully resolved. The improved internal lightness of the movement, on the other hand, noticeably contributes to a more joyful use of the body, which also means improved self-regulation of the system. I like that they recommend foreseeable long-term treatment and do not want to "chain" the person recovering. And so, solving the tension points of the fascia system according to the Stecco method is an unforgettable experience that cannot be missed... :)))
Nyikolájenkó Dániel

Nyikolájenkó Dániel

March 4, 2023.
I went to Klára Szabó twice, because of knee pain that had lasted for 4-5 years. On the first occasion, he established that there was nothing wrong with my knee, but that my starting point was an internal organ problem. Which can be remedied by massage-like pressure on my abdomen. Before that, I went to 3 orthopedics, where the doctors only guessed and prescribed all kinds of cartilage strengtheners... I am completely satisfied with Klára's expertise! :)
Barta Zsófia

Barta Zsófia

November 11, 2022.
I arrived at Kodak Adrienn's clinic with mysterious knee and shoulder pain. For the first time, it became clear that the problem was not with my knee, but that the background of the pain was my stuck scar after my major abdominal surgery 10 years ago (which no one told me back then that it should be relaxed after regeneration, a problem in everyday life and and it didn't cause it in sports), as well as strained muscles around my hips and legs. The adhesion of these pulled the other parts. Already after the 2nd session, I was able to take up the positions that were painful before almost without pain. So far, I have been 4 times, and now the pain in my knee has been minimized even in the days between treatments. Adrienn always gives exercises for homework, which I can help myself with, which I think is very important. I highly recommend the place!
Tóth Anita

Tóth Anita

March 16, 2022.
I have been able to visit the office with confidence with my different complaints for years, there is always a solution to the problem. Whether it's a sports injury or limb pain due to shingles, tendonitis, ankle splitting, healing, and quick rehabilitation are guaranteed. They cure with expertise without medication and surgery. Instead of injections, scalpels and anti-inflammatory drugs, I heartily recommend it to anyone if something hurts. 🙂
Kovács Lilla

Kovács Lilla

January 18, 2021.
My back pain, which I had been struggling with every day for a year now, was completely gone. Worth persisting, a few times it can work wonders :)

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1English-speaking therapists

Zsuzsanna Jákob

physiotherapist, manual therapist

BUDA XI. introduction

Réka Szabó

physiotherapist, manual therapist

PEST XIV. introduction

Erzsébet Meszéna

physiotherapist, manual therapist

PEST XIV. introduction

Patrícia Glázer

physiotherapist, manual therapist

BUDA XI. introduction

Fanni Tiba

physiotherapist, manual therapist

PEST XIV. introduction

Sára Vaski

physiotherapist, manual therapist

BUDA XI. introduction

Botond Kemény

physiotherapist, manual therapist

BUDA XI. introduction

Klára Szabó

senior physiotherapist, manual therapist

PEST XIV. introduction

József Olosz

senior physiotherapist, manual therapist

BUDA XI. introduction

Tibor Zsemler

massage therapist

PEST XIV. introduction
Zsuzsanna Jákob - physiotherapist

Zsuzsanna Jákob - physiotherapist

Have a question?

+36 70 701 5643
Telephone contact On weekdays: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Address Budapest, District 11,
Bocskai way 31.
2. floor 2. door
Doorbell: 8
Elevator: yes
Parking You can easily park behind the building, on Edömér Street.
Opening hours
Monday - Friday7:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Route planning

Have a question?

+36 70 701 5643
Telephone contact On weekdays: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Address Budapest, District 14,
Stefánia way 9.
1. floor 3. door
Doorbell: 14
Elevator: yes
Entrance From Besnyői street.
Opening hours
Monday - Friday7:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Route planning